Table of Contents



Key Features

Patch Notes

Plans for the Future

Development Messages:


Key Features

Patch Notes

Plans for the Future

Development Messages

Call to action

read more here

I need people to contribute more themes!!!

With love(but not for dasindu)



Key Features

Patch Notes

const switchTheme = (e) => {

if ( {

document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'dark');

localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark');

syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $darkSyntax.Permalink }}';


else {

if (confirm("Just so you are aware, you are trying to switch from dark mode to light mode. Are you sure?") && confirm("Light mode is very bad for your health! Your eyes are going to degrade over time much faster! Are you still sure?") && confirm("Think about your eyes. You won't be able to see your children when you grow up. Are you really sure?") && confirm("Are you someone who works late at night? Well guess what. It affects you worse! Are you absolutely sure?") && confirm("Sources ( says that 'dark mode has a lot of benefits', 'it's easier on the eyes than a stark, bright white screen'. Are you certainly sure?") && confirm("You may be getting a little annoyed with all these alerts. I still have to ask. Are you most definitely sure?") && confirm("I'm only doing it for your own good. And for the good of your eyes. Are. You. Sure.") && confirm("Studies (me) show that wearing glasses makes you look 10000000000 times less attractive. Example? Fred! Are you sure you want to be Fred?") && confirm("In summary, think about your eyes and your appearance. Don't sacrifice those things for silly light mode! Are you not gonna reconsider?")){

if (confirm("Don't be a monster! Save your eyes, remain in dark mode!")) {

document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'dark');

localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark');

syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $darkSyntax.Permalink }}';

document.getElementById("darkmode-toggle").checked = true;


else {

alert("Fine. You asked for this!")

document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'light')

localStorage.setItem('theme', 'light')

syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $lightSyntax.Permalink }}';



else {

document.documentElement.setAttribute('saved-theme', 'dark');

localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark');

syntaxTheme.href = '{{ $darkSyntax.Permalink }}';

document.getElementById("darkmode-toggle").checked = true;




Plans for the Future

Development Messages:


Key Features

Patch Notes


Plans for the Future

Development Messages


Key Features

Patch Notes

Plans for the Future

Development Messages